Jan 24, 2017 | Chartered Accountants, Small Business Accounting
If you own a small business that has been incorporated, you have a few options when it comes to how to pay yourself. The two main options are either salary or dividends. Each payment method has advantages and disadvantages so we have compared the two for you. Salary...
Jan 16, 2017 | Small Business Accounting
Taxes can be stressful, but a lot of this stress can be avoided by simply filing your taxes early. These are just a few of the many benefits to filing early and avoiding the last-minute tax season rush. More Time to Pay Your Taxes This is especially beneficial if you...
Jan 12, 2017 | Cloud Accounting
Bookkeeping is one of the most stressful parts of owning and operating a small business. There is a lot to keep track of, and the possibility of making a simple, but giant mistake, can cause anxiety. Doing accounting yourself for your small business can be...
Jan 9, 2017 | Small Business Accounting
An income tax audit is everyone’s worst nightmare. Whether you are filing business or personal taxes, the threat of an audit from the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) hangs over everyone’s head. As a small business, your chances of getting audited increase...
Jan 4, 2017 | Small Business Accounting
Running a small business has its challenges: managing everything from clients to vendors, staff, computer systems, bills, cash flow, and the list goes on. Of course, every entrepreneur and small business owner wants their company to be successful, but it can be...
Dec 16, 2016 | Tax Advisory
If you are not familiar with tax-loss selling, the concept is simple: sell the stocks that you own, which are currently at a loss position, to generate a capital loss for tax purposes. This capital loss can be used in the current period to offset capital gains,...
Dec 15, 2016 | Small Business Accounting
Whether you’re just starting out as a small business owner or have been in business for years, these are the biggest (and most common) small business accounting mistakes that owners make – and how to keep them from happening. Using Your Business Account for...
Dec 9, 2016 | Cloud Accounting
With every new technology, it is common for some people to be reluctant to jump on board. With the rise of smartphones and advancing file-sharing technology, cloud networks are the way of the future. They allow for data to be shared anywhere, at any time, and on any...
Dec 7, 2016 | Cloud Accounting
What is cloud accounting? Well, simply put, it is accounting software that is hosted over remote servers and can be accessed through the Internet or another network. You probably already use cloud technology for your phone, computer and tablet for everyday...